Toxin-free NewBrite Glass & Window Cleaner Concentrate
Glass & Window Cleaner 480ml - £6.46 Add to Basket
NewBrite Glass & Window Cleaner Concentrate is another powerful cleaning product in the NewBrite household range that is environmentally safe, non-toxic, and user friendly. This highly concentrated window cleaner cuts through grease and dirt quickly, safely, and effectively. Surfaces stay clean longer because of its anti-static agent, which actually repels dust to leave surfaces (even television and computer screens) clean and static-free.
NewBrite Glass & Window Cleaner Concentrate keeps windows and mirrors clean and shiny – without potentially harmful ingredients. Recent studies indicate that isopropyl alcohol1 found in many popular glass cleaners may possibly be harmful to both humans and the environment. NewBrite Glass & Window Cleaner uses with ethyl alcohol2 (ethanol) in its place, a denatured alcohol devoid of the harmful effects of isopropyl alcohol.
This safe and powerful glass & window cleaner does not contain butyl cellosolve3, which has recently been targeted as a potential neurotoxin and irritant. With safer yet stronger glass-cleaning ingredients, NewBrite Glass & Window Cleaner Concentrate provides a streak-free shine that lasts a long time.
- Dilute one part NewBrite Glass and Window Cleaner Concentrate with five parts water.
- Spray six to eight inches from glass surface.
- Wipe with clean paper towel or rag.
- Cleans glass, chrome, stainless steel, plastic, enamel, ceramic tiles and porcelain. Spot test surface on small hidden area before using.
- Do not use on wood or varnishes.
- Highly concentrated with added anti-static agent.
- Does not contain harmful products common in other glass and window cleaners
- Uses ethyl alcohol, a denatured alcohol devoid of the harmful effects of isopropyl alcohol.
- Provides a static-free, streak-free shine.
- For more information on isopropyl alcohol, visit the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre website:
products/icsc/dtasht/_icsc05/icsc0554.htm - For information on why ethyl alcohol is less harmful, visit
- For more information on butyl cellosolve, visit the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre website: